Instituto Educacional Almafuerte
Teléfonos: 4484.3100 | 4651.6278
Ocampo 3052 | San Justo (1754)
Provincia de Buenos Aires


Symmetrel 100 mg

PackagePricePer pillSaveOrder
240 pills - 100 mg
$185.35$0.77$118.57Buy now!
180 pills - 100 mg
$145.71$0.81$82.23Buy now!
120 pills - 100 mg
$107.73$0.90$44.23Buy now!
90 pills - 100 mg
$85.43$0.95$28.54Buy now!
60 pills - 100 mg
$62.95$1.05$13.03Buy now!
30 pills - 100 mg
$37.99$1.27NoBuy now!

General Information about Symmetrel

Symmetrel also can cause unwanted effects in some people, including dizziness, nausea, and dry mouth. Rarely, more severe unwanted side effects such as despair, hallucinations, and seizures might occur. It is important to inform a physician if any of those signs are experienced whereas taking Symmetrel.

However, it could be very important notice that Symmetrel is simply effective against influenza A, and doesn't have any influence on other kinds of influenza viruses or viral infections. Furthermore, there are certain strains of influenza A which have developed resistance to Symmetrel, making it much less efficient in some instances. Therefore, you will want to seek the assistance of a physician before taking Symmetrel, as they will decide whether or not it's the acceptable remedy choice based mostly on the particular kind of influenza virus inflicting the an infection.

Symmetrel, additionally identified by its generic name amantadine, is an antiviral drug that's commonly used to treat and stop influenza A, a sort of viral an infection that affects the respiratory system. It was first permitted by the US Food and Drug Administration in 1966, and has since been deemed as an essential treatment for the remedy of influenza.

Symmetrel works by blocking the motion of the influenza A virus within the body, stopping it from replicating and causing further injury. This permits the body�s immune system to battle off the infection and get well extra quickly. When used as a safety measure, Symmetrel might help cut back the severity and length of signs if an individual is exposed to the virus.

One of the main benefits of Symmetrel is its capacity to help control and handle influenza outbreaks. It has been used for a few years in the prophylaxis of the disease, particularly in high-risk populations corresponding to healthcare employees and people living in close quarters. It can be generally used in nursing homes and hospitals to stop the unfold of influenza amongst residents and sufferers.

In conclusion, Symmetrel is an effective antiviral drug that is generally used to treat and forestall influenza A. It works by blocking the motion of the virus in the physique, allowing the immune system to battle off the an infection. While it is in all probability not effective towards all strains of influenza A, Symmetrel performs an important role in managing and controlling influenza outbreaks, particularly in high-risk populations. As at all times, you will want to seek the guidance of a healthcare professional earlier than starting any medicine, together with Symmetrel, to make sure it's the most appropriate therapy for your particular situation.

Symmetrel is best when taken within 24-48 hours of the primary indicators of influenza, similar to fever, headache, and body aches. It is normally prescribed for a interval of 5 to 7 days, depending on the severity of the infection and the individual�s response to the medication. In addition to its antiviral properties, Symmetrel also has gentle anti-inflammatory results, which can help alleviate some of the signs related to influenza.

DIEGEP Nº 6004 - E.P. DIEGEP Nº 342
E.S. DIEGEP Nº 6666 - Polimodal DIEGEP Nº 4466
Instituto Educacional Almafuerte | Teléfonos: 4484.3100 | 4651.6278
Ocampo 3052 | San Justo(1754)
Provincia de Buenos Aires